Friday, December 23, 2011

About the hunt

I know that a few of you have been confused about how this hunt is being run however, I know that I few stores have dropped out during the beginning of this hunt because of how it is such a nightmare, to be honest I wanted this hunt to be a fun experiance and yet it's turned into such a nightmare. Well, I'm Going to keep the hunt running however I want to let you all know that I plan on running this hunt again in the future and I apologize to the stores that dropped out so early in the hunt.

So what I plan on doing to fix my mistakes (at least what I can do while I'm on vacation for the holiday season)

Step one: I Plan on making the Store list Eaiser to read as it goes through the hunt walkthrough so that you can follow along with the Hunt and Store listing

Step two: Although I am not in world, I do know that a few store owners "should" be able to help you in the hunt.

Step three: There are a few notices within the hunt group that can help assist you in hunting, a few of them are from a store owner Kai Silverland. If you open the attatchments in the notices, you "should" be up to date with what is what, Hints to what stores, What stores Aren't prepaired, and all the correct landmark listings.

and finally, Step four: We can do only so much to make everyone excited about this hunt, So it's okay to work in a team and see if you can solve the problems together, Infact with almost 80 to 70+ stores I deffinatly encourage it. Also, if you think that this hunt is useless and that the organization skills were horrible and that this hunt is Just a waste of time because no one has their hunt item out or even it's the incorrect poster, Please keep in mind that I went into creating and organizing this hunt and trying my best to manage 80 stores alone, and for this fact I'm Dreadfully thankful to the store owners that have assisted me this far! So with this being said and out in the open, I don't want to hear that this hunt was horribly organized or complaining as I have seen in the hunt group.

All in all I want this to be noted as somethings that I will and should be working on here soon ....

Happy Holidays/Merry christmas~
- Ari Cheng
O.U.A.T Hunt organizer.

P.S. If you have and comments or concerns, Feel free to Notecard me in world, I'll review everything when I get back and Comment on the status of everything .


Mary said...

Hello, How do I get in touch with you? There is no email or contact info listed .. please advise .. thanks .. Mary. Please contact me maryregency at gmail dot com

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